Although the program on which this situation took place is satirical (satire being defined as "A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit."), these individuals crossed the line between funny and controversial. It is one thing to poke fun at something, however, it is unacceptable to ignorantly attack an entire nation. The people on the show obviously forgot to do their homework as they were entirely wrong and misguided on a number of things they spoke about.

The second unintelligent point they joked about was in regards to Canada needing to take a military break. They joked that "the Canadian military wants to take a breather to do some yoga, paint landscapes, run on the beach in gorgeous white Capri pants". Although it is not clearly stated, the host could have been implying homosexual related behaviour. By stating that the Canadian military personnel are "gay" (not that Homosexuality is a bad thing.), it is a very unintelligent thing to say. It is obvious that not every person in the Canadian Military is gay and even if they were, why would that be funny? Homosexuals have just as much right to do as they want as Heterosexuals. We don't laugh when people are playing football or watching a fight on TV and so why do we laugh at Yoga or painting?
A third uncalled for statement that occurred on the show was that the host, Greg Gutfeld, asked if Canada would get away with taking a military break if they didn't share a border with the United States. It is a stupid question to ask as Canada chose to take part and aid in the war, therefore they are also able to decide when they need to leave the war. Canada is a free country and is perfectly capable of making their own decisions.

These previous examples were only a few examples taken out of a handful of ignorant, primitive and childish things the host and guests said on the show. What is society coming to when people such as they are getting the privilage to say whatever they want on international television? With people saying irrational comments on television, they only create further controversy. Such controversy will in turn only lead to more problems in the world that then need to be added to a long list of "things to fix in this world".
"100 Most Popular Baby Names of 2006" April 2009.
"Leslie" April 2009. 30 March 2009
"RCMP" 5 April 2009. 3 March 2009
"Canadian Stereotypes, a Weblist Inspired by Ridgewalker" 5 April 2009. 3 April 2007
"Red Eye" No Date. Online Image. 5 April 2009.
"Non-Horse Riding/Mountie Police Officers" No Date. Online Image. 5 April 2009.
"Leslie Nielsen" No Date. Online Image. 5 April 2009.
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