February 24, 2009

Pickin' Chicken!

Anyone a fan of senseless, easy going, no brain comedies? I know I am! I can admit that I am a huge fan of shows such as Family Guy, South Park and Robot Chicken and I don't feel there is anything wrong with liking these shows. Most of the time all these shows do is provide a humourous perspective of something going on in the world and don't we all need a good laugh? With all the stresses we face in day-to-day life, do we really need to go straight home and watch shows about the economy on tv? If that's what tickles your fancy then by all mean, continue watching the Economy Channel (if there is one), but I know that for me, nothing relieves stress more than watching the antics of Peter Griffin, Eric Cartman or watching the mindless gaggle of Robot Chicken.

However, Robot Chicken is one show that I have a slight problem with. Yes, I know that the production of the show through action figures makes it super original, and yes Seth Green [1] is a man of many talents (voices Chris from Family Guy, played Mitch Miller on That 70's Show and created Robot Chicken). However, my problem with it is the amount of unnecessary violence that can sometimes occur on the show. Now, I am not someone who thinks that any portrayal of violence is a sin and the people responsible for it should be punished, that's not me. I just think that when I see 5 different skits in a row that feature nothing but the Robot Chicken characters punching, fighting, slicing, stabbing... etc., I think that's a little too much.

The reason I feel that this violence should be reduced and the Robot Chicken writers should focus more on word/situation comedy rather than, I guess you could call it "violence comedy", is because I know for a fact that not everyone has the ability to process something that is "right" from "wrong". A casual viewer without the processing ability might tune in to watch Robot Chicken and see scene after scene of action figure slaughter. Since this person doesn't understand that this type of behaviour is only used for comic effect, they might take the hint that "Oh, it's ok to start killing my co-workers!" [2] (see video). As a result of too many people not being able to tell what's "right" from "wrong" we will end up with more problems than those that would have occurred without the episode.


Any skeptics may say "Oh that's just silly, no one would actually take something as silly as a television show that seriously!". In my opinion, I think that the skeptics can be seen as ignorant. Take the Columbine Massacre for example [3] . The two young men responsible for the shootings were highly influenced by the video game "Doom". Yes, I am aware that this is a video game, not a television show, but they can be seen as parallels. As the two boys were stimulated by the excessive and graphic violent portrayed in the game, the two boys begin to forget that this type of violence should only be found in fiction. As a result of the influence the game had on the boys, they took it to the next level, and as a result, 15 people were killed and 24 more were injured. Those were 39 people that would not have been hurt or lost their lives if the game was less violent or ceased to exist altogether.

My point, being that Robot Chicken could be a little less violent, is valid. Seth Green has proven to us time after time that he can be funny without putting one at harm. How did he succeed on a fun loving show such as "That 70's Show?"? It was because he could be funny without having to become controversial. He has what it takes to write or create something that produces little to no harm and so I hope he can incorporate more of these types of sketches into his creations.

The point of this blog is not to put down Robot Chicken or the video game Doom. I am simply suggesting that people who cannot tell the difference between fiction and reality should become aware that what they are watching should never be replicated in the real world. If we all can leave make believe in our minds or on the television sets, we will be fine. However, until we ALL know the difference, it wouldn't hurt for the writers and creators to turn down the violence a notch.

[1] "Seth Green" IMDb.com. 23 February 2009.
[3] "Columbine High School massacre" Wikipedia. 24 February 2009. 24 February 2009

February 22, 2009

A Brit Too Much...

For the past decade, the world has been obsessed with Britney Spears. Whether it be through her high times, which include winning 34 Awards during her first year on the scene, including Best New Artist on the AOL awards, 4 different billboard awards and a Much Music award for best international artist [1], to name a few, to her low times which include parenting issues, head shaving and crotch shots, society just seems to want more and more from this celebrity. How is it that we can possibly know so much about Britney? There surely aren't enough professional photographers and journalists in the world that can devote so much of their time to one subject. The answer... the Paparazzi!

The term Paparazzi can be defined as " a freelance photographer, esp. one who takes candid pictures of celebrities for publication", however, that definition neglects to include the fact that many of these photographers are dangerous, criminal and bad for us as a society. The job of a paparazzi is to get an embarrassing and even sometimes life changing photographs of a celebrity and sell them to tabloid style magazines. Isn't this something we should be concerned about? Selling someone else's troubles and putting them in the public eye for everyone to see, and for what? The only good that comes out of this situation is the income for the photographer who snapped the shot. It's certainly not helping our society who seem to have less and less respect for others as the years go by. Infact, the largest amount of money ever made on a Britney picture was $10,000 to the original buyer, which then was sold approximately 200-300 times![2] Isn't it ridiculous to think that these people, who's only goal in life is to take pictures of those who are just trying to live their life, are making more money than people creating devices that will help our global climate or even people creating things such as air planes and space shuttles? I think it's a little unfair to say the least.

To a member of the Paparazzi, to know where Britney is at all times is a must have "skill" or as someone could also argue, you must be a great stalker. Britney takes up approximately 50% of the Paparazzi's time [2], which is incredible to think that if you add Brad Pitt, Jennifer Anniston, Angelina Jolie, Paul McCartney, Bono and Christina Aguilera, the coverage combined on those stars isn't even close to the amount of attention Britney Spears receives. Why, though, is Britney so popular? My opinion, along with many other experts in the field, is that the reason Britney is so popular is due to the fact that "the public demise of an individual has never been so public.". This certainly is true when you think of everything Britney has been through in the past little while.

After her initial rise to stardom through her first album "... Baby One More Time", she has gone on to... 1) Kiss Madonna (the first hint that she was kind of wacky), 2) Get married (and divorced within 2 days), 3) Get married... Again (to Kevin Federline of all people), 4) Become a mother (which seemed to make her "fat", or so the Paparazzi wanted us to think), 5) Become a bad parent (meh, this could be a pretty accurate statement), 6) Become a parent again... (oh boy...), 7)Get Divorced (announced to the world live on Canada's own Much Music), 8) Attack People with Umbrellas (Why not something a little more lethal? she has the money to buy anything), 9) DATED A PAPARAZZI! (sheesh), 10) Went to rehab, and the list goes on an on. One may ask "how do we know Britney did all this?". It's because of our society's disgusting habit of wanting dirt on famous people and the fact that Paparazzi will do anything to give us what we want. When Britney wanted to be with kids, she was followed every second, and when she messed up, she was immediately a bad mother? But really is she that different from everyone else? I am sure others have mishandled their children in the past, but because it wasn't made up to be a huge media event, they aren't "bad parents" such as Britney.

In my opinion, the Paparazzi, along with millions of people across the world, have taken the "let's expose a celebrity for our own benefit" thing a little too far. A prime example occurred during Britney's comeback appearance at the 2007 MTV Music Awards. Britney, who obviously was not the same Britney that originally came to our attention, was planned to perform a "Comeback" performance after years of being highly criticized in the media. Perhaps it wasn't Britney's best decision, as immediately after her performance, the Paparazzi and other media vocalists had something to say. Many people were talking about her dancing and lip-syncing, which couldn't be argued as being "a good performance". However, I think that the biggest problem that existed was the fact that people were making fun of Britney's weight. Of course she's not a skinny as she was when she was 19 years old. Do people forget that she's been through a lot of things in the past 10 years? Do people forget she's had 2 kids? One blogger by the name of "nastybugger" on celebuzz posted "... and almost a year is PLENTY of time for a 25-year old to lose the baby weight. women older than her have managed to lose the weight in a couple of months. it's all about discipline, of which brit doesn't have much." [3]. Why does this individual care if Britney isn't at her prime fitness? How does it affect his life day-to-day? Does he go to school and say "I am not doing my homework today because Britney looks fat and it upsets me?", because that is pretty much the kind of statement his comments imply. Does this individual not realize that there are much bigger problems in the world? Does he forget that in America approximately 26.6% of adults are obese [4], meaning that in the average 4 person family you'll have someone who's obese and perhaps these are much bigger issues than his apparent hang-up on Britney's extra baby weight.

This topic is what is wrong with the world. People don't care about REAL issues, such as things like obesity. The Paparazzi have molded our brains to think that whatever celebrities are doing is more important than things that ultimately affect us. They do this to us because they know that as long as we make a big deal about these celebrities, the longer they'll make money. This manipulation is what's wrong with society. We listen to these people, and forget about the real things in life. In my opinion, actors belong in movies, singers belong on albums and in concert, athletes belong on sports fields and if it's anyone who should be in magazines, it's models, because that's their job. But that's my opinion and I also think that if it was more peoples' opinion we would be able to stop the media's control of our minds and as a society, we would become better off.

To create some hope, we have begun to see a lot of celebrities starting to voice their opinions about the paparazzi and the media. Artists such as Xzibit ("Paparazzi") and Lindsay Lohan ("Rumors") have wrote songs dislaying the apparent displeasure they have for the paparazzi and negative media centres. However, I feel that these songs would be more affective if their corresponding video actually had more to do with the Paparazzi they are singing about. In Lindsay's video we see her provacitively dancing and in Xzibit's song we see him on a beach... umm... what do these videos have to do with their distaste for the Paparazzi? In my opinion, if these artists wish to be taken seriously, they should start by making accompanying videos that relate to the topic of their song. Luckily for these artists, a new law called The "Britney Law" may come into affect and help them restore their former privacy. A 20-yard "safe bubble" will be put around any celebrity and if a member of the paparazzi comes within this bubble to take a photograph, authorities will seize all money made from the photograph. In my opinion, I do not think that this law will be effective as the paparazzi would still risk being caught and charged by police. It is too easy nowadays to slip something by the police and from the Rihanna photo leak this Friday [5], we can see that the police itself might not be a reliable mediator. Besides, even if the profits from a photo do get stolen, the individual who snapped the shot is still very likely to get paid under the table for their work somewhere down the road. LA Police Chief William Bratton gives a very realistic opinion on the "Britney Law" as he says "What we need is Britney Spears to stay home instead of traipsing all over town. That would solve the problem.” Makes sense to me." [6].

Not only do celebrities voice their opinion through song aimed at the paparazzi, some celebrities have been able to find ways to live a "normal" life. Why do we hear so much "gossip" about Paris Hilton? It's because she wants to be heard and seen. Why don't we hear anything particularly negative about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie? This is because they have found ways to avoid the paparazzi's photographic eye in order to give their children a normal life. When asked about the kinds of places she frequents in order to avoid the camera's eye, Angelina Jolie replied, "Usually, places where there are other parents with children are okay - other parents are much more respectful of our privacy than many people because they understand what it’s like just to want to be with your kids. Parents are much kinder to us than some other members of the public" [7]. These celebrities deserve a lot of credit for making an attempt to lead a private life and should be praised for doing all they can to create a better life for their children. They never asked for their lives to become someone else's news and so in order to keep it this way they are stepping up to the challenge of remaining private. These are the types of people that should be respected and kept out of the negative limelight.

The feelings of sympathy we can feel for Brad and Angelina cannot exactly be felt towards Britney Spears. We have seen that she likes to put on a performance for the Paparazzi (as seen in the documentary "Britney: Speared By the Paps")[2]. Britney has treated the paparazzi like puppies, put on a show for them by purchasing strange and bizarre items (most notably a stuffed donkey) and to cap it all off, she dated a paparazzi. Can we really feel sorry for someone who invites their enemy into their home? Perhaps she pulled a Trojan Horse and accidently invited a paparazzi member, a nemesist of hers, into her home but knowing Britney, we can be certain that this even occurred as a plan to keep her name in the public view. People such as Britney who evidently want to be seen and heard deserve what they are getting as they have really done nothing to fight against it. How can they complain about being followed until they begin to take steps away from the public eye?

What can we expect from Britney as she grows older? Most recently, at the 2008 MTV Video Awards reviewers such as Perez Hilton and People Magazine Senior Editor Julie Dam, praised her appearance. "Last night was really good in that she looked amazing but didn't perform, because she didn't need to perform last night," Dam said. "It would have been asking too much. She showed up, looked good, accepted her awards, gave brief speeches, thanked God and her kids and, at the end, [manager] Larry Rudolph and her label, which is definitely setting the table for the future."[8]. As these signs are very encouraging that we may see a more proper Britney in the future, we cannot be sure what the future holds. In my opinion I hope she changes so that the world can once again focus on important issues, issues that will affect everyone, not just Britney and her following. Hopefully as a result of a more laidback Britney we can see a decline in Paparazzi, which would create a safer world for all those who live around the inhabitants of celebrities. What will the future hold? I guess we'll have to wait until "she's done it again" to see how society and the paparazzi will respond.

[1}"List of Awards received by Britney Spears"Wikipedia.com. 23 February 2009. 21 February 2009

[2] Directed by Pop Banyard. “Britney: Speared by the Paps” Sky 1. 21 February 2009. 19 March 2008. Documentary.

[3] “Britney Spears' 'Gimme More' VMA Performance” Celebuzz.com. 22 February 2009. September 10, 2007

[4] “Obesity in the United States” Wikipedia 22 February 2009. 22 February 2009.

[5] "TMZ posts photo it claims is a beaten Rihanna". MSN.Com. 23 February 2009. 20 February 2009

[6] Wiehl, Lis. “If Passed, “Britney Law” May End Paparazzi Stalking Tactics”Fox News 23 February 2009. 06 March 2008

[7] Sherry. “Brad and Angelina-the kids and the paparazzi”B5Media 23 February 2009. 15 October 2008.

[8] Kaufman, Gil. Vineyard, Jennifer. “Britney Spears' VMA Appearance A Solid First Step, Experts Say”MTV.com 23 February, 2009. 8 September 2008.

"paparazzi." Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1). Random House, Inc. 23 Feb. 2009. .

“Britney Spears” Wikipedia 23 February 2009. 23 February 2009

Xzibit “Paparazzi “Paparazzi Lyrics” AzLyrics February 23 2009.

Rooney, Cory. Jackson, Tarryle. Jackson, Tito. Lohan, Lindsay. “Rumors” Azlyrics February 23 2009.

"Britney at 2008 MTV Video Awards" 7 Sept 2008. Online Image. The Insider. 23 February 2009.

"Britney Performing at 2007 MTV Video Awards" 12 Sept 2008. Online Image. Salon.com. 23 February 2009.

"Brad and Angelina with Shiloh" No Date. Online Image. Celeb9.com. 23 February 2009.

"Obese Person" No Date. Online Image. DietsinReview.com. 23 February 2009.

"Young Britney Spears" No Date. Online Image. SodaHead.com. 23 February 2009.

February 21, 2009

Welcome Home Mats!


For anyone who follows hockey, especially Leafs hockey, Saturday Feb 21st 2009 was a night to remember. It was so special due to the fact that former Leafs captain Mats Sundin returned with the Vancouver Canucks for the first time to face his old team. Mats had played 13 seasons (the same as his number) with the Toronto Maple Leafs and in that time managed to become the highest scorer in Leafs history with 989 points in the 981 games he played for the franchise. For anyone who can do math, that means he averaged over a point a game. That is quite an accomplishment.

I guess I should stop living in the past and focus on Saturday night's game. In the week leading up to the game, the return of Sundin was the only thing they talked about. They said it was the game to watch as it would be full of emotion due to the mixed feelings between the fans and Mats Sundin. A common topic discussed by many hockey analysts was the question about the fans reaction when Mats Sundin would step on the ice. One of CBC's commentators Don Cherry said he thought that "he will get a standing ovation" and he was right. Although the Leafs faithful booed Sundin when he touched the puck (as they do with many former players), he received a standing ovation as a medley of Sundin was shown overhead on the Leafs "Jumbotron" early in the game. As a result of the overwhelming appreciation by the Leafs, Mats Sundin became very emotional and the game was delayed for a few minutes as Mats regained his composure.

The game was very well played by the Leafs in my opinion and it really showed how much talent the Leafs have. If they could play like they did against Vancouver, in every game they played, they would be a very serious Stanley Cup contender. Vesa Toskala played a magnificent game as he had not played for a week and wanted to prove he was the Leafs main man between the pipes. Toskala has been under critisism throughout his career with the Leafs and with his stellar performance on this Saturday night, he proved to a lot of people that he is very capable. He played out of his net in order to cut down the angles and stood up more often to take up more net room, instead of reacting too quickly and going down, and as a result giving the shooter a lot of room to bury the puck.

After regulation time was over, the game was tied 2-2. For anyone not really into hockey, after regulation time expires the game goes into a 5:00 minuter overtime period. If after that overtime period the game is still tied, it goes into a shootout where each team can pick three shooters. For the Maple Leafs, Jason Blake, Niklas Hagman and Mikhail Grabovski were chosen and for the Vancouver Canucks Paval Demitra, Kyle Wellwood and ,of course, Mats Sundin were named the shooters. Jason Blake was up first and his shot was stopped by the Canuck's Roberto Luongo off the right pad. First up for the Canucks was shooter Paval Demitra who easily scored on the right side of Vesa Toskala. Second to shoot for the Maple Leafs was Niklas Hagman, whose attempt mimicked the one by Jason Blake who shot just a few minutes before. The second shooter for Vancouver also was a former Leaf. However, Kyle Wellwood's shot was less than enthusiastic and trickled past the net. Young rookie Mikhail Grabovski was up third for the Leafs and he scored a perfect goal as he fooled the All-Star Luongo, thus tying the overtime. Of course, it was going to be Mats Sundin, the former pride of Leafs Nation, the man who had more records for the Leafs than anyone else. Mats was about to either win over his new team, or break the hearts of his old team. Being a professional athlete, he had to do what he had to do. With great speed and power, Mats came in on Toskala and scored a beauty, leading the Canucks to victory and making his visit back to Toronto a great one to remember.

In response to the boos exhibited by the crowd at parts of the game, I thought they were being unreasonable. Had they forgotten all the things Mats had done for that franchise over the past 13 years? Surely they couldn't have forgotten that quickly? Perhaps it is just a way of the fans showing that the Leafs fans are the most religious fans in the world as they tend to boo other former players when they come to town, such as Bryan McCabe of the Florida Panthers. I thought Mats played a tremendous game which reflected his stellar play when he donned a Leafs jersey. Mats will be missed as his time with the Leafs will get farther and farther away from the present. As a Leafs fan, I will never forget Mats, as I, along with an entire generation of Leafs fans, grew up watching and cheering him on every Saturday night. To you Mats, thanks for the memories.