Example 1. Meet Nanerpus
I would like to extend a round of applause to the creators of "Nanerpus" (correct spelling unknown) for a multitude of reasons. The first round of applause I would like to give is to Denny's itself. Denny's, although not as popular as resteraunts such as Applebee's, Outback Steakhouse or Red Lobster, actually holds one of the highest standards in food service. During an investigation made by NBC Dateline entitled "Dirty Dining", the top 10 most popular family and casual dining restaraunts were investigated. Health inspection records taken during the 15 months before the interview were collected and recorded by NBC investigators. Out of all the eateries investigated during the process, Denny was on top of the pack for many different categories. Denny's was found to have had the fewest violations out of every resteraunt investigated in the survey. In fact, the amount of violations were so few that Denny's averaged less than 1 violation per resteraunt,quite an accomplishment! A curious point as well is that Denny's operates 24 hours a day, except when they are required to shutdown (ie. certain holidays) by Law. For Denny's to keep up such high standards with so little down time is quite the commendable feat.
My second "props" to Denny's is for the pure genious of the commercial. Yes, the commercial is childish and not elaborate, but isn't is just as affective as the most complex commercials? People aren't necessarily going to remember the message or point of a complex commercial as they will most likely become caught up with the elaborateness of the commercial. By the viewer not being able to remember who or what the commercial was about, the creators deliver a "goose egg" of epic proportions. A commercial is supposed to stick in your mind and remind you about what the commercial was about and who created the advertisement. A veiwer is likely to remember the humourous banana-octopus hybrid known as "Nanerpus" and that he brought promises of free food at Denny's on Tuesday! A dancing, singing "Nanerpus" is not going to leave a veiwers mind and so he will always remember that "Denny's is a fun place to be at!". Also, by using the banana in the commercial, whenever a person sees a banana they will remember "Banana...Nanerpus...Denny's!". Quite the effective advertisement!
By not having an excessively elaborate commercial, it also makes the commercial very cost effective! This is my third "Kudos" to the commercial and its creators as the commercial comes at a time of financial crisis. In this commercial, featured is a 1) Banana, 2) Googley Eyes, 3) Pancakes, 4)String, 5)A plate and 6) a Orange background . I believe that any person would be able to visit their local grocery or convenience store and pick up all the materials needed to make this commercial for under 20 dollars. For an advertiser to create such an effective commercial for such little money, it is quite an impressive feat. It is even more impressive when you compare the next-to-nothing cost of $20 for this commercial to the cost required to make the allegedly "most expensive commercial ever" (WHERE WHAT HOW WHY claims it to have cost $6 million to create. See Example 2), you cannot help but to give a standing ovation to the creators of "Nanerpus". To anyone stating that "That commercial was effective. No one really payed attention to it!", I provide this fact. The "Free Grand Slam" giveaway advertised in the commercial became a monumental moment in history. Sources claim that approximately 2 million people attended the giveaway and thus would give Denny the record of "Most visited Resteraunt in one business day since 2003". Can the non-believer claim such a monumental accomplishment? I rest my case.
Example 2.
In a time of great economic crisis, we can only look to commercials such as "Nanerpus" to learn how to create cost effective and "point" effective commercials such as the "Nanerpus" commercial. Businesses will be able to cut down advertisement costs which, theoretically, should also lower the cost of eating in the restaurants, which will make customers very happy. Kudos to you "Nanerpus"! Perhaps you are an early step in the right direction for society in order to fix the economic crisis!
"Denny's"Wikipedia.com. 31 March, 2009. 31 March, 2009
"What is the most expensive commercial to this date?"WHERE WHAT HOW WHY.com. 31 March, 2009.